Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lighting Quote 2

"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not." -John 1:5

Lighting Quote

"Focal glow is 'the campfire of all time,...the sunburst through the clouds, and the shaft of sunshine that warms the far end of the valley.  Focal glow commands attention and attracts interest.  It fixes the gaze, concentrates the mind, and tells people what to look at.  (It) Separates the important from the unimportant.' ...Ambient luminescence is 'a snowy morning in open country.  It is underwater in the sunshine, or inside a white tent at high noon.  Ambient luminescence minimizes the importance of all things and all people.  It fills people with a sense of freedom, of space and can suggest infinity.' ...Play of brilliants is 'the aurora borealis, ...the Versailles Hall of Mirrors with its thousands of candle flames.  Play of brilliants is Times Square at night, ... the magic of the Christmas tree, Fourth of July skyrockets.  It quickens the appetite and heightens all sensation.  It can be distracting or entertaining."   -Richard Kelly

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Light Revealing Experience

This is the image that inspired me most.  Because natural light is essential, the ways that we choose to use this light are equally important.  This image shows the source of natural light as well as the ways of reflecting it.  What I find especially interesting is if you look past the ornamentation in the center and focus on the walls you see that the reflectivity is repeated throughout the space.